Free VRT Calculator by REG

There is No VRT Calculator by Reg which calculate Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) by the motor registration number.

You need to know some of the important factors which affect the VRT in Ireland and also I will tell you why is it not possible to make a perfect VRT Calculator by registration number for Ireland.

  • Calculate VRT on cars and small commercial vehicles
  • Check the NOx charge for cars
  • Estimate VRT on motorcycles
  • Calculate VRT repayment for exporting a car

Why VRT Calculator is not working?

There is not perfect VRT Calculator except , which covers all the category Vehicle Registration Tax for Ireland.  Revenue VRT calculator is accurate but they did not update there website yet which is not calculating values just give you related information.

Like this many Irish people looking for Statistical code for VRT but they not gonna find it because it is only available at Revenue’s VRT Calculator. These VRT Statistical code managed by the National VRT Service (NVRTS) in Wexford.

How to Calculate VRT?

For VRT Calculation you must need to know that there is no perfect calculator which made all in one calculation. First you need to know that for which type of motor you find licensing tax. If you know the category of your vehicle then you can use this tool.

VRT for Category A and B Vehicle

Calculation Result

VRT for Motorbike


VRT Calculation Result

As you know there is no such Duty on Category D vehicles, so there is no need of a tool for it, because these motors are used for special purposes. On other hand we have Category C vehicles which are heavy commercial vehicles and there is only fixed VRT of €200.


Overall, you are not gonna find any free VRT Calculator by REG you need all your vehicle details and VRT rates, not only just entering your registration number. There is important role of Open Market Selling Price and Co2 Emission.

Similarly in future there are VRT on electric cars which requires a lot of details about the Vehicle not just registration number.