VAT Calculator Ireland

VAT Amount: €0.00
Total Price: €0.00

What is VAT Calculator?

VAT Calculator is a tool to find Value Added Tax (TAX) which is applies on goods and services which people of Ireland buy or sell. Value Added Tax is collected from all supply chain that includes retailer from manufacturers and paid by consumers.

The standard VAT rate in Ireland is 23%, with reduced rates for certain goods and services.

Using this online tool helps you in saving your time, also our design tool is easy to use mobile friendly. Which you can use while sitting on your counter or office. What you need just a device with internet connection and few details of your product.

Another benefit of using this tool is that, it have two option either you are looking to add VAT or you want to remove VAT amount from your Goods.

VAT Rates in Ireland for 2025:

CategoryVAT Rate
Standard Goods & Services23%
Hospitality & Tourism13.5%
Newspapers & Magazines9%
Food & Medical Supplies0% - 13.5%

How to Calculate VAT?

You can manually calculate VAT using the following formulas:

To Add VAT to a Net Price:

Formula to Add VAT to a Net Price

To Extract VAT from a Gross Price:

Formula to Extract VAT from a Gross Price

Why Use a VAT Calculator?

There are many uses this web tool which helps you in urgent situations. We made this calculator very useful for Ireland users, it includes:

  • VAT add to a price.
  • VAT exclude from a total price.
  • The total cost including VAT for goods and services.
  • The net price before VAT is applied.

How to Use Our VAT Calculator for Ireland:

This is an easy to use online tool designed to help users calculate VAT accurately. Here’s how it works:

  • Enter the price net or gross price.
  • Enter the VAT rate.
  • Choose an option from Add VAT or Exclude VAT.
  • Click ‘Calculate VAT

VAT and Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT):

In Ireland, there is some VAT you need to pay when you are registering a Vehicle. Now for some of the category vehicles include VAT to calculate VRT.

There is some of the benefits of using this VAT Calculator which includes:

  • No need of manual calculations.
  • Correct VAT amounts are applied.
  • Good for businesses issuing invoices and calculating taxes.
  • Available online without registration.
FAQs About VAT in Ireland!

Q1: Is VAT mandatory in Ireland?

Yes, businesses with annual turnover exceeding €37,500 (services) or €75,000 (goods) must register for VAT.

Q2: How do I register for VAT?

Businesses can register for VAT with through the e-Registration system.

Q3: What happens if I don’t charge VAT?

Failure to charge VAT when required can lead to penalties and interest charges by Revenue.


Overall, VAT Calculator helps Irish people when they are calculating there Value Added Tax. Users just enter a few details and get instant results.

In VRT Calculator there is some categories of vehicles which requires VAT like if you are using a Car Import Duty Calculator you must need VAT for it, therefore we made this tool which helps user in all aspects of Tax.