Credit Union Car Loan Calculator

Easily Calculate Your Car Loan Repayments

Avg Loan Rate

8.6% APR

Max Loan Rate

12.68% APR

Monthly Repayments


Monthly Repayments


Total Interest


Total Interest


Total Payable


Total Payable


Credit Union Car Loan Calculator is free web tool which is inspired from website. In this tool we do some modifications and updates to make it better and easy to use for Ireland people. It helps in estimate your monthly repayments, total interest, and overall repayment amount before you commit to a loan.

Designed using accurate financial formula from, so check before you depend on it. This web tool calculate borrowing costs based on your loan amount, duration, and interest rates. Not only this will give you the ownership of your vehicle, when you buy a Car then you also need to pay a Vehicles Registration Tax on it , after that you are the official owner of vehicle.

How to Use the Car Loan Calculator?

This online calculator follows credit union lending criteria, using information which provided on However, exact rates may vary based on your credit union’s policies.

  • Choose currency Euro (€) or Sterling (£) which you want.
  • Enter Loan Amount which you borrow from the credit union.
  • Add loan duration for how long you plan to repay the loan.

In a survey of ILCU credit unions:

  • Average car loan rate in the Republic of Ireland: 8.6% APR
  • Average car loan rate in Northern Ireland: 12.02% APR

What is for?

Credit unions is financial organizations owned by community based members, they are helping people in Ireland since 1958. They prioritize their members’ interests, offer them savings and loan services at fair and reasonable rates.

With over 3.6 million members in Ireland, credit unions operate on the principle of people helping people, fostering community growth and financial well being.

Credit Union Interest Rates:

In Ireland, credit unions offer some of the interest rates on car loans, it ranging between 3.95% and 8.6% APR. The average car loan rate among Irish League of Credit Unions (ILCU) affiliates is approximately 8.6% APR.

Credit UnionLoan AmountInterest Rate (APR)
Affinity Credit Union€20,000 or more4.95%
Affinity Credit Union (E.V. Loan)€16,000 or more3.95%
Kilcock Credit Union€15,000 or more5.07%
TUI Credit UnionNot specified6.75%
First Choice Credit Union€25,001 – €50,0007.12%
First Choice Credit Union€5,001 – €25,0008.84%
First Choice Credit Union€100 – €5,00012.68%
Capital Credit Union€15,000 over 5 years8.2%
Important Disclaimer

Our design tool is for illustration purposes only which works on the rates from ILCU affiliated credit unions. Every credit union sets have their own interest rates, so your actual rate may be different.

We made this calculator user friendly and modified from the actual Credit Union Car Loan Calculator. Also our tool is mobile friendly so you can easily use it in everything where anytime in your mobile devices.

When you are taking loan for your car make sure to check the Car Insurance, and finalize your decision.