VRT Calculation Result
Are you looking to register your Motorbike or e-moped in Ireland? Calculating Vehicle Registration Tax for it difficult. But we made this perfect Motorcycle VRT Calculator which easily calculate VRT for brand new bike or a vintage motorcycle.
In fact, our calculator tell you about the Age Reduction, Initial VRT with your Final VRT Amount. Lets guide you more how to use this Motorbike VRT Calculator.
How to use this Motorcycle VRT Calculator?
To calculate VRT for your Motorbike you need some information of you vehicle and then enter in the required fields which we made for you:
- Enter motorcycle’s engine size in cubic centimeters (cc)
- Choose the age of your Motorbikefrom.
- Select whether your vehicle is a motorcycle or an e-moped.
- Click Calculate button to see your final results.
Note: We enter e-moped option in our calculator but as you know there is no VRT on e-moped till 31 December, 2025. We Designed specifically for Irish riders, this calculator is fast, accurate, and easy to use.
Reasons Use Our Motorcycle VRT Calculator?
If you are Importing A Motorcycle Into Ireland to must need to use our calculator, the reason is it is easy to use and mobile friendly. You can use it easily on your mobile device everywhere.
We made this calculator fast results just with one click enter your details and click button to see your results. Also it designed specifically for Irish riders and VRT rules.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1: How is VRT calculated for motorcycles in Ireland?
VRT is calculated based on your motorcycle’s engine size (cc) and age. Our calculator simplifies this process for you.
Q2: Are e-mopeds exempt from VRT?
Yes, e-mopeds (Category L1) are exempt from VRT until 31 December 2025.
Q3: How much is it to VRT a motorbike?
- Engine Size (cc):
- €2 per cc for engines up to 350cc.
- €1 per cc for engines above 350cc.
- Age of the Motorbike:
- Older bikes get reductions (e.g., 10% for ≤1 year, up to 100% for >30 years).
Q4: What is the import duty on a motorcycle?
Import duty on motorcycles in Ireland is 10% for non-EU imports (plus VAT and VRT), while EU imports only require VRT.
Q5: Is this calculator free to use?
Yes, our Motorbike vrt calculator is completely free and designed to help Irish riders.