How VRT is calculated in 2025?

VRT is calculated with OMSP and CO₂ Emissions for some of the categories in Ireland it depends on the Vehicle Category, for which motor you want to calculate Vehicles Registration Tax. It is now a big problem, which every people who is Licensing their Ride will face .

VRT is a type of Levy which Irish folks need to pay when they are buying or registering a new car, and this duty is collected by the Government. In this blog I will tell you how you can easily compute VRT for every category Vehicle.

VRT Calculation By Reg:

Many user want that to calculate VRT by the car registration number, which is not possible. You must understand it, by registration number it can access the details of Vehicle like Engine Size, Model, and CO₂ emissions.

Now to make this calculator, we need a complete access to database of motors, and the VRT Rates which is updated by Revenue authorities and this is not as easy.

For manually calculation follow these steps below:

Step 1: Find Open Market Selling Price (OMSP)

The OMSP is the price on which a vehicle is sell or buy including taxes and duties. These rates are for the Irish Market vehicle models. You can check OMSP by market valuations, classified ads and Irish car dealerships.

Step 2: Identify the VRT Category

In Ireland the vehicle’s are divided in some different categories in which you must know you vehicles category:

There are five categories A, B, C, D and M.

  • Category A Passenger Cars
  • Category B Light commercial vehicles
  • Category C Heavy vehicles
  • Category D Special Services Vehicle
  • Category M Motorcycles

Step 3: Find the CO₂ Emissions only for Category A

You need to find CO₂ emissions for your Car, to find this you need to check vehicle’s logbook, manufacturer specifications, or previous registration documents. There are different rates for it you can check below:

CO₂ Emissions (g/km)Percentage Payable of Vehicle Value
0g/km up to 50g/km7% or €140 whichever is greater
51g/km up to 80g/km9% or €180 whichever is greater
81g/km up to 85g/km9.75% or €195 whichever is greater
86g/km up to 90g/km10.5% or €210 whichever is greater
91g/km up to 95g/km11.25% or €225 whichever is greater
96g/km up to 100g/km12% or €240 whichever is greater
101g/km up to 105g/km12.75% or €255 whichever is greater
106g/km up to 110g/km13.5% or €270 whichever is greater
111g/km up to 115g/km15.25% or €305 whichever is greater
116g/km up to 120g/km16% or €320 whichever is greater
121g/km up to 125g/km16.75% or €335 whichever is greater
126g/km up to 130g/km17.5% or €350 whichever is greater
131g/km up to 135g/km19.25% or €385 whichever is greater
136g/km up to 140g/km20% or €400 whichever is greater
141g/km up to 145g/km21.5% or €430 whichever is greater
146g/km up to 150g/km25% or €500 whichever is greater
151g/km up to 155g/km27.5% or €550 whichever is greater
156g/km up to 170g/km30% or €600 whichever is greater
171g/km up to 190g/km35% or €700 whichever is greater
More than 190g/km41% or €820 whichever is greater

Step:4 Formula

Formula to Calculate VRT Is:

VRT = OMSP× VRT Rate (based on CO₂ emissions)

For non-EU imports:

Total Cost= OMSP +VRT + Customs Duty + VAT

Step 5: Final Calculation

Simple find out these values and just do a simple calculation and know how much vehicles registration tax you need to pay. For you knowledge, there is Fixed VRT for Category C vehicles which is €200.

For category D vehicles in Ireland there is no such type of VRT, and for Category M motorcycle you can use our VRT Calculator.

If you have diesel vehicles then your calculation also include NOx Levy which is known as nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

And if you are importing a vehicle from outside the EU there is customs duty (10%) and VAT (23%) will be apply.

VRT on Motorcycle:

For motorbike it is easy to use Motorbike VRT Calculator, which will easily find the Certification Levy. The best part is this, there is no such need of Open Market Selling Price you just need to enter you Engine Capacity in (CC), your age of Motorbike.


Overall, there is simple way to use Calculator, just enter you details and it will find better results for you. By manual calculations you will face many difficulties like wasting of time and cost. Also you are not sure with your results because it is too complex.

Make sure each category vehicles have its own formula for calculation, you can not apply same method to all type of motors. For example, if you want to find VRT on electric cars you need to enter other details as compare to VRT on commercial vehicles, there is a huge difference between them. Also not all the type of vehicle need to pay tax.

Many motors like ambulance and other vehicles which are for special purposes there is no such duty on it, on other hand the category C Vehicle on which you only need to give €200.